Story behind Tagua

Tagua also known as Corozo, is a natural and organic seed of a palm tree that grows in the tropical humid forests of the Pacific region called Cade, it´s produced in some countries such as Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador.Mococha is where the seed of tagua grows

Commonly known as «vegetal ivory», this seed has natural properties and every piece obtained is unique due to its heterogeneous shape.

Is the organic seed of the palm «Phytelephas Macrocarpa». This name comes from the Greek words «phyt» meaning plant and «elephas» meaning elephant, this is in reference to its use as a source of vegetable ivory.

Tagua is not a new economic indicator for Ecuador, it has been used in the production of buttons since the second half of the 19th century, that is, 1850, and for more than 50 years it was marketed in Europe and the rest of the world exclusively by the famous “Casa Tagua Alemana“, which had premises in the ports of the Ecuadorian coast: Manglaralto, Puerto López, Puerto Cayo, Manta, Bahía de Caráquez, Cojimíes, Muisne, and Borbón.

Tendencies 2023 in social networks

Let´s say that your company has several social network accounts but is not paying attention to uploading content or replying

social network corectagua from ecuador Social networking tendencies

to the people that follow you or is a subscriber. I can´t think of one reason why would they still be interested in listening to anything that you have to say.
And yes the new tendencies of this 2023 mention that we have to be connected with our audience, we cannot grow as a company if we don´t have a community that we are faithful to and give them good content to comment on or learn about from our products, services.
Even more so if we leave a good footprint on the planet, as a community we like to know further to cooperate or become a part of these positive changes.

Another interesting fact about having faithful followers is if your company is interested in selling online, they need to pay attention to these three important steps:

  • Make sure that your site is secure to sell online
  • Be clear about money return policies
  • Do not share credit card information, to create security in purchases.

Atractive asian market

In the Asian market, the great Asian dragon is very attractive to export several products, its population of about 4.6 billion inhabitants has various interests and many interesting market niches.

There are many products of interest such as fruits, seafood, machinery, fuel, and consumer goods, among others. Large fashion companies need to use tagua to make high-end buttons for various brands such as Armani, Versace, Adolfo Domínguez, Caramelo, Hugo Boss, and Burberrys, among others.

Corectagua is always looking for new clients, especially in the Asian market, since its demand is high and the clients who stay with us are certain that we will meet their requirements, sometimes even making payment times more flexible. Even though the most important matter to some clients is its price the consideration that we put on the table is that tagua is a natural seed that from its harvest process is a handmade product that needs to be preserved correctly until the finish button process is made.

How to finish an order on hard times

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There´s no mystery that in several cities in Ecuador for over 10 days at the moment there has been some protest march claiming from interested parties to obtain a reply from the government. This has caused among other things chaos in several ways. Usually, to obtain the raw material that we require, there are several providers where we obtain either the finished product or the nuts to produce any blanks that the client demands.

Imagine these days how hard it is to expect providers to knock on your door or else go and find them, hoping they will have the sizes that you need to finish an order. These times are really crazy, but people need to support their families and one way or the other even risking their lives they get tagua nuts to work on the sizes that exporters need.

Keep in mind that no matter what a company that is really serious with its clients always looks to satisfy and accomplish the demands that are required to maintain seriousness and compliance.

Choose the best to obtain the best

When we first started our business clients used to buy tagua blanks altogether, meaning that there were no qualities to separate from because that´s how all producers used to export.
Suddenly according to storytelling in the local community, there was a producer that separated the blanks into four (4) qualities, which remained until now.
What we recommend to our clients and anyone interested in buying corozo blanks, to avoid any inconvenience at the moment of elaborating finished buttons, is to choose a first quality or grade A, the cost compensates to have any damages on the button production process.
We recently received a complaint, because the finished buttons had some spots. When we found out they used quality C and D to elaborate finished buttons, we explained that this could happen because both, much more quality D has a lot of spots in the blank, even though is a cheaper product, in the long run, is better to choose the first quality.

Fair prices

Is a method that should be applied by all the companies that work with hand labor in any industry. What is fair for a company is to have good trading politics, pay fair prices for their products, and safety for its workers on the other hand what is fair for a worker is that the rules are played fairly with its time and pay.

Running a business has its ups and downs but above all ethics should be the most important matter when it comes to work and play fair. When the pay is fair to a worker you obtain respect and goodwill from them because they know what to expect and what they will receive in exchange, which is continuous stable work that will last in the future.