Story behind Tagua
Tagua also known as Corozo, is a natural and organic seed of a palm tree that grows in the tropical humid forests of the Pacific region called Cade, it´s produced in some countries such as Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador.
Commonly known as «vegetal ivory», this seed has natural properties and every piece obtained is unique due to its heterogeneous shape.
Is the organic seed of the palm «Phytelephas Macrocarpa». This name comes from the Greek words «phyt» meaning plant and «elephas» meaning elephant, this is in reference to its use as a source of vegetable ivory.
Tagua is not a new economic indicator for Ecuador, it has been used in the production of buttons since the second half of the 19th century, that is, 1850, and for more than 50 years it was marketed in Europe and the rest of the world exclusively by the famous “Casa Tagua Alemana“, which had premises in the ports of the Ecuadorian coast: Manglaralto, Puerto López, Puerto Cayo, Manta, Bahía de Caráquez, Cojimíes, Muisne, and Borbón.